Graduate Orientation Program

Enlisting, Envisioning & Equipping Young Graduates to Change the Spiritual Landscape of Africa

The Countdown Is On

We kick off the Africa Graduate Orientation Program on July 20th 2024. We look forward to what the Lord has planned for all the delegates and how He will use them in their contexts to bring transformation. The youth of Africa have the potential to contribute significantly to changing the continent in more ways than we can imagine and through God's enablement, GOP endeavours to give them the practical tools and spiritual empowerment 

The Potential for African Youth

Africa is home to the world's largest youth population, with over 60% of its population under the age of 25. This demographic bulge presents a unique opportunity for transformative change if harnessed effectively. According to the African Development Bank, by 2050, Africa’s young population will double, reaching over 830 million.

Programs like GOP that integrate spiritual development with practical skills and leadership training can help build a generation that is morally grounded, passionate and mission-driven. A 2019 study by the Barna Group found that young Christians who are active in their faith are more likely to volunteer, engage in community service, and advocate for justice.

Equipping Africa's youth to live missionally, spreading the gospel and embodying its values, we can build a culture of godly influence, integrity, compassion, and proactive problem-solving, paving the way for a brighter future for the continent of Africa.

Key Information

The Graduate Orientation Program is a passion project of the Navigators Africa. It is part of our strategic plan to implement our Faith Direction:
Together advancing the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom into all of Africa and beyond with all that we are, have and are becoming in Christ. 


The above amount covers  accommodation, practicals, field trips, collateral & other learning materials. 
Does NOT include travelling costs(visa, plane tickets etc.)

GOP is a program suited for 20 to 26 year old post graduate youth from African countries with Nav Presence.

Lilian Kulemo GSP 2019

My experience at GSP (Global Students' Program) in the USA, Colorado Springs, was rich and fulfilling. I came back home to my country, Kenya, fired up to serve God's purposes. I gained so much exposure in my interaction with other GSP participants and learnt many practical skills that are still part of how I live life.

We welcome partners to support GOP's vision financially.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the similarities between GSP (Global Students Program) and GOP (Graduate Orientation Program)?

The Africa GOP follows the GSP structure in several ways:

  1. Participants gain work experience while engaging in content and activities related to their walk with God.
  2. There is a focus on The Navigators calling and vision, leadership skills development, and networking.
  3. Participants work in small groups and have one-on-one sessions with leaders.
  4. The program includes excursions and experiences outside the main venue.
What are the unique features of the GOP tailored to the African context?

The GOP has distinctives designed to address the needs in the African context:

  • Practical ministry engagement with African realities, including rural populations and the oral strategy for engagement.
  • Exposure to different efforts for addressing poverty, injustice, and unemployment.
  • Personalized training plans developed with each participant to implement with their national ministry leader once they return to their home country.
Who can participate in the GOP?

Any student or graduate who meets the GOP criteria and is approved by the relevant National Director can participate.

How does the GOP support participants in their transition and address African realities?

The GOP is designed to support, challenge, and equip young people to transition well amid the unique African realities they face. GOP participates will be assigned to a cohort for encouragement and ongoing follow up once the program is over. Feedback and suggestions will be gathered from participants to ensure we are meeting felt needs as we seek to make this a life changing experience for each participant.

What kind of activities can participants expect during the GOP?

Participants can expect a variety of activities including:

  • Work experience in the hospitality industry (food service, ground maintenance, guest reception, etc.)
  • Small group work and one-on-one mentoring with leaders.
  • Excursions and experiences outside the main program venue.
  • Practical ministry engagements and exposure to social issues like poverty and unemployment.
How are participants' training programs developed and shared?

During the GOP each participant will have an opportunity to develop a personal development plan that they will share with their respective national ministry leaders to ensure ongoing support and development.

How can I apply for the GOP?

Interested students and graduates who meet the program’s criteria can apply through their national ministries.

Address List

The Navigators Africa

Changing the Spiritual Landscape of Africa

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